Kepya uses the internet to facilitate the marketing of field products in Angola


During the Seedstars Luanda 2018, for the first time I heard about the Kepya"the digital agromercado of Angola" - one marketplace which links everyone involved in the agricultural value chain and financial service providers.

The Kepya platform, which means “mining”In the official language Umbundu, was one of the main innovations and attractions of the Luanda 2019 International Fair, since it provides information about the availability and need of agricultural products and promotes the rapid transaction of same through a click.

How does it work?

O Kepya is an application in which an individual, called an aggregator, usually residing in the interior, goes to the farmers to gather information about available products and their quantities. The aggregator passes this information to the application where the transport companies have access to the information and go to the search of the products for the main centers of consumption. That is, companies or singles with more than one cargo vehicle and intend to monetize them through freight in the different provinces.

The main objective is to avoid the deterioration of agricultural products in times of higher harvests. Application mentors also buy production to resell to major supermarkets. It is also an application that essentially employs young people residing in rural areas in search of employment opportunity.

To ensure easy use and inclusion, the platform can be used via web portal, phone call or text messaging.


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