KiandaHub brings together Angolan developers for a development marathon


KiandaHub (10)

A Startup Angola Association decided to take a step forward and provide a place where developers could share experiences and streamline their projects. Thus came the Kianda Hub, nicknamed "Bunker of Startups".

On January 11 the organization of the KiandaHub invited the technology-loving community to visit the space and work on some aspects of its development. This type of event is described several times by the expression “Hackathon“, Which can be defined as a concentrated effort of developers (and not only) in a project in a form of marathon.

The mission of the participants in the hackaton was as follows:

  • Creation of WebSite
  • Graphic material / Visual identity
  • Average Digital / Social Marketing Strategy

The event had several participants, from programmers to designers, we will soon have more information about the results of this marathon.