Lenovo has rejected Microsoft's offer!


The Surface Pro 4

Lenovo rejected M's offericrosoft to sell the Surface Pro 4(SP4) said COO (operations director) Gianfranco Lanci. Unlike Dell and HP who chose to become resellers, Lanci considers Microsoft “a partner in certain things” but a competitor in others, so Lit's new you need to be careful about how you conduct your business with Microsoft.

Marius Hass, Sales Manager at Dell, defended his decision to sell the Surface pro 4 through its online store and said that top customers were asking for the device to be managed and distributed by Dell.

Dion Weisler, CEO of HP, admits that selling the (SP4) it is not the “first choice” of the company and that it does not “make a profit” from the sales of SP4, but accepted the deal with Microsoft because customers so requested.

It is not only with (SP4) that Microsoft has problems with its partners namely: Dell, Lenovo, HP, Intel. Dell, which will sell the SP4 but will not sell the Surface Book.

This dispute was already expected, since Microsoft was only the "supplier" of the most used operating system, now it is also investing in Hardware, a land that was previously "prohibited".


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