Withdrawal in multicaixa increases to 100 thousand kwanzas per day


The National Bank of Angola (BNA) established, yesterday (08), in an official document, the value of one hundred thousand kwanzas as the maximum amount to be withdrawn with cards in Automated Teller Machines (CA), known as ATM, from January 7, 2022.

Still in the same statement, which MenosFios had access to, the maximum daily cash withdrawal amount via Automatic Payment Terminal (TPA) is set at 150 kwanzas, according to a note from that institution.

So far, the maximum amount authorized daily at ATMs is 60 kwanzas, since January, in light of an Instruction of December 11, 2020.

Cash withdrawals via POS without an associated purchase, in commercial establishments, are carried out with a 1,0% discount on the amount paid to the customer, as the only commission provided for in Instruction No. 12/2021, of September 14, for these operations. .

Under the new decisions of the National Bank of Angola, signed by its governor, José de Lima Massano, the maximum daily amount for transfers initiated by card is now Kz five million (5.000.000,00), per payment card.

According to the BNA document, these are value limits on operations carried out in card payment systems, cumulatively, in Automated Teller Machines (CA) and Automatic Payment Terminals (TPA).

BUT: Multicaixa Express payments reach 60,5% of operations

In these new updates, the Angolan Central Bank considers the provisions of Notices 05/2015, of April 20, on standardized checks, Notice 05/2017, of July 10, on payment cards and the Multicaixa network.

It should also be noted that the BNA also took into account Notices 08/2015, of 20 April, on real-time gross transfers, and 07/2017, of 07 June, on the provision of payment services.

The report adds that the measure also comes under the terms of the combined provisions of article 6 of Law 40/20, of December 16 – Payment System Law and article 54 of Law 24/21, of October 18 – Banking Law National of Angola.

He points out that, from next year, the maximum daily value of transactions in the Multicaixa Network will be Kz 19 million 999 thousand 999 kwanzas and 99 cents.

In turn, the maximum amount per payment transaction to the Ministry of Finance and the National Institute of Social Security is subject to a limit of Kz 99.999.999,99.

Meanwhile, advances the BNA note, the maximum daily value of purchases at Automatic Payment Terminals (TPA) by payment card is set at Kz 10.000.000,00.



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