LG launches wireless charger for smartphone


LGLG introduced its newest handset, which is the wireless charger. That works faster than the current models.

Currently the wireless charging method, a technology that we believe will enter the market in a short time is currently in development stages. While others are still in the design phase, LG is the first company to launch the first 15W wireless charger in the world.

LG said that the device has a speed three times higher than other models on the market, it can still charge smartphones faster than most wired chargers available on the market today.

The company also says that the device can charge a smartphone battery from 0% to 50% in just 30 minutes. It meets the standards of wireless Power Consortium (WPC), an international standardization organization for wireless charging.

Sung Huh, the head of electronic business devices division, said: "We proved that we had the best world with wireless charging technology." He added that: “How a wireless charging module is directly related to the convenience and safety of users, who meet the expectations of our customers with advanced performance and perfect product quality.”

Wireless charging is a growing market. According to market research firm TSR (Techno Systems Research), it reports that sales of wireless transmitter units were $ 553 million in 2015 and will reach $ 2,2 billion by 2019.

The presented device will be officially marketed in North America, Europe and Australia, in the middle of this month. The price at which it will be sold has not yet been announced.


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