LinkedIn will implement a new tool for job search


linkedin-logo-1940x900_34994-768x356O LinkedIn will launch a new tool, which will allow users to find jobs discreetly, without necessarily drawing the attention of the current boss, in case the person is still employed and thinking about making a job change in search of new opportunities.

The tool introduced is called Open Candidates, an option that is still in the testing phase, will start placing users who adhere to this option in a discreet way with recruiters without notifying the public. The tool will reach the general public later this week and can be activated in the user's profile preferences. Simply turn on the option, which is right at the top of the page.

LinkedIn intends to act and help people in a confidential way, without people in your network realizing that you are having a contact with a new job. With this, the page will allow to detail which opportunities the user is looking for, working hours, location and immediate availability or not.

See the video below how the tool implemented by LinkedIn will work


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