Luanda In Snapchat, yes it worked!


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It would be too cliche to start this article by saying "Unity is strength", but it can be said that it was more or less what happened. There is roughly a month that some Angolan Twitter users have turned up to #WeWantLuandaOnSnapchat in the middle of communicating with the application support area. Numerous photos of different parts of the capital city were highlighted.

We waited attentively, and today it was possible to see Luanda in colorful letters, in the Snapchat. I'll be in front row, during the 24 hours we are provided, to appreciate the best (or worst) we have.

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In our first article on the subject, we left a question in the air: "Will this work?"
Today I move to answer: “Yes, it worked!"

Update: the feature enabled for Luanda is the “Geofilter”That allows you to insert a filter based on our location, then just activate the GPS (or an equivalent form of location) and when we slide the screen after taking a photo on snapchat, we will have the chance to see that filter.

If you have not had access yet, please update your application.


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