Alibaba and Microsoft machines outnumber human reading test


The Artificial Intelligence developed by Microsoft e Alibaba scored better than the humans on a reading and comprehension test at Stanford University in the United States of America.

Alibaba assured that it was the first time that the machine overcame a human in the well-known university test SQuAD (Stanford Question Answering Dataset). The proof corresponds to one hundred thousand questions and answers, based on more than 500 articles from the online encyclopedia Wikipedia. The machine result was compared to the average human result.

The Alibaba researcher believes that this technology can be put at the service of museums or hospitals for the purposes of inventory or reading answers to inquiries. The test took place last week, which was also attended by Microsoft's artificial intelligence department.

Computers are increasingly in human territory. After showing that they dominate in chess, writing and until they can compose a Europop album, computers have now got a better grade in a school test than a human.


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