Fewer Threads on the list of the best technology media companies in Africa


O Less wires, the main site for the dissemination of content related to national technology, is included in the list of the African ICT sites that provide the best and most information on the continent, according to the Briter Bridges.

We belong to the group of companies that aim to show impact projects in the sectors of information and communication technologies. Several bodies from different countries complete the range of selected ones.

Briter has decided to offer an overview in graphical mode, companies that change the rules of the game, the launch of the series #InnovationMaps , aims to show enterprises of impact in a wide range of sectors.

The Less Threads intends to continue to improve and bring more and more information to its readers of technologies of the country and the African continent mainly.

The Less Than team thanks the researchers of the Briter Bridges for having recognized the only Angolan site focusing exclusively on ICTs / Innovation.


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