It took, but it arrived: private messages on Instagram!


Private messages on Instagram

It seems contradictory, but one of the things that users are looking for in a social network (after a while there) is our dear privacy. Yes, everyone wants to make more targeted sharing, send confidential information faster, something that with using email is not possible.

So Facebook (and the remaining millions of similar social networks have private messages, where the user can share information with one or more selected friends), Twitter it has direct messages, in which we can send a private message to just one user, away from the curious eyes of the other followers.

Now it's Instagram's turn to enter messages Direct (in English "Direct“, Which makes us think of“Direct Messages”From Twitter), but here's the master stroke of the Instagram development team: we can share photos and videos privately with one or more“ friends ”, the so-called Multicast. Each message can be shared with a group of up to 15 friends.

With this type of sharing we can know who saw the publication and who commented. A very useful feature. To enable this feature you need to update Instagram to the current version (Instagram 5.0) available for iOSAndroid.

How to use Instagram Direct?

You'll now see a new icon at the top right of your feed. Touch it to see photos and videos sent directly to you.

To send your own photos and videos, select Direct, instead of Followers, after you edit your post. When you're finished editing, just choose the people you want to share with.

It is also possible to receive messages from people that we do not follow in Instagram, but for this we will need to accept the request to see the photo. But you know the old story of accepting requests from strangers, do not you?

Download Instagram Direct

  • For iOS (via App Store)
  • For Android (via Play Store)


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