Messenger intentionally wastes smartphone battery life, reveals former employee


Who uses Facebook apps, where Messenger is included, you know these are a nightmare when it comes to battery consumption. This relationship was never clearly supported, but the truth is that they bring problems in this area.

Trying to prove this scenario there is now the testimony of a former Facebook employee, who comes to present a new scenario. Meta, with its various apps, has consumed smartphone battery in an abnormally high way, just to carry out tests, with all the associated problems.

Potential confirmation has now come from a former Meta employee, George Hayward, who revealed this scenario to The New York Post. From what he presented, this is a normal situation in the company and it is known as “negative tests”. These serve to evaluate other features of the apps, such as their speed or how an image can be loaded.

Hired by Meta in October 2019, he quickly arrived at this scenario, having quickly shown his position against these tests. He tried to show his superiors how negative these tests could be, by depriving users of the battery, potentially in more sensitive situations.

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The curious thing is that Meta would have reacted in an unfriendly way to its users and tried to force these tests. According to its leadership, by deliberately harming some users, the company manages to help the vast majority of those who use its apps.

Not sure how many people have been affected by the negative tests of the Facebook, but it is believed that these are standards in the company. Upon entering Meta, George Hayward received an internal training document entitled “How to Run Weighted Negative Tests”, which included examples of these experiments and how to perform them.

This case now comes to light after this former employee has filed a lawsuit against the creator of Messenger. He was eventually fired in November for refusing to participate in the negative tests. Thus, it becomes clearer that the battery consumption complaints so often revealed may have a foundation and are real.


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