Microsoft is putting a Datacenter on the bottom of the sea


Microsoft's underwater datacenter Project Natick [1] .mp4_000073166

Microsoft had the brilliant idea to start a project that consists of placing servers on the seabed and near coastal areas. If you have ever asked yourself where all the information published on the Internet will end, the answer is simple, in DataCenters which are usually new buildings or full floors of buildings reserved for data processing, such facilities use a lot of energy and a good part goes to their cooling system so that they do not overheat and go down for some time.

Several methods are employed to keep DataCenters in a constant cold temperature, from building them in cold places, liquid refrigerants and even using the heat they produce to heat water and buildings in cold weather. But Microsoft has another idea: Put the servers in the ocean floor where temperatures in the surrounding area will keep 24 / 24 cold servers regardless of surface conditions.

Microsoft's underwater datacenter Project Natick [1] .mp4_000095119

Microsoft's underwater datacenter Project Natick [1] .mp4_000097090

The "Project Natick“(Project Natick) is still in the research phase, Microsoft did a test last year for several months. The test was conducted at 1 kilometer (0.62 miles) on the Pacific Coast. The idea is that eventually the servers can be operational with little or no maintenance for up to 10 years in the ocean, another advantage is the proximity to the coast, since 3.5 billion people live 125 miles from the ocean making offshore servers a good way to provide Internet to multiple people quickly. Another advantage is that these data centers can be shipped quickly, Microsoft estimates that in three months the data centers can be ready for assembly. In areas where Internet access is slow or does not exist for three months it may not seem like much.

The Datacenter “Submarino” can also be used in major events that require a large network coverage, such as the Olympic games, world football championships, not to mention that such technology can help a lot in the event of natural disasters, where communications need to be established quickly.

Microsoft's underwater datacenter Project Natick [1] .mp4_000091241

Until now with more news.


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