Microsoft is forcing to upgrade all Windows 10 machines


As of last Thursday (5), all computers with Windows 10 that do not yet have the latest program update, released in November, will be updated automatically. THE Microsoft You want to give your system the safest practices and give your users the greatest protection possible to keep them safe.

According to Microsoft, this automatic update will happen because the November version of Windows 10 has some critical security updates. And for the operation of the operating system, it is important that all users have the update installed on their machines.

Another important reason for making this update is that the 1809 version of Windows 10 has its end of support scheduled for 12 May 2020. Even until that date only security updates will be distributed to users.

With that need in hand, Microsoft decided to force the upgrade. This ensures that all machines running Windows 10 are up to date and protected against problems. You are repeating a measure you had already made on upgrading machines with the 1803 version.

One way to circumvent this is to enter the Windows Update settings menu (which is located in the Update & Security menu), choose the option “Pause updates for seven days and then click on“ Advanced options ”and select the date you want. whether the update happens.

But according to Microsoft this is an inevitable process for Windows 10 users. It certainly has obvious advantages that will ensure the security of everyone and their systems. Of course it will not please everyone, since it takes control of the operating system itself who should have it.


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