Microsoft to unify platforms with Windows 9


Windows 9

Confirm rumors, Microsoft will unify all versions of Windows, we will have only one operating system for both computers, smartphones and tablets. The confirmation came from Microsoft's own CEO, Satya Nadella.

Let's make the next version of Windows the joining of three operating systems into one, for screens of all sizes. We will unify our stores, commerce and development platforms to create a more consistent use experience and a more varied development opportunity

Microsoft's strategy is to create a visual interface that suits each screen, applications compatible with this type of system are in an advanced stage of creation with the Universal Windows Apps project. These news are expected in Windows 9 (codename “Threshold”), which according to rumors is scheduled for launch in the 1st quarter of 2015.

With the "poor" commercial performance of Windows 8, this is the chance for Microsoft to redeem itself and launch a system that convinces both ordinary users and companies.

[Source]: Business Insider


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