[Mozambique] Cornelder invests in state-of-the-art technologies in controlling access to the Port of Beira


Cornelder de Moçambique (CdM) recently invested in the installation of a modern computer access control system at the Port of Beira, which automatically detects license plates and container numbers using cameras.

Named Optical Character Recognition (OCR, in English), the system works as a modern and intelligent portal used in the management of the flow of trucks in several American and European cities, and was recently implemented in the Container Terminal of the Port of Beira.

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With the installation of this system, CdM hopes to provide greater efficiency in controlling the main accesses to the Port of Beira, as well as automating the registration of containers, truck registrations and images for weekends, thus reducing human errors.

"We received positive feedback from users of the port area, and we reiterate our promise to continue to make efforts to improve our security levels”, said Jan De Vries, executive director of Cornelder de Moçambique.


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