Mozambique: Education challenged to introduce financial literacy into the curriculum


Several analysts expressed the idea that the Mozambican education sector should introduce financial literacy content into primary and secondary school curricula.

According to the Director of the Bank of Mozambique (BM), in Sofala, Ruthe da Pátria, with the presence of financial content in the school curriculum, Mozambican children and young people will be better prepared to face more complex economic and financial conditions.

The specialist who was speaking as part of the celebrations of the International Money Week, whose ceremonies took place at Escola Secundária Samora Machel, in Beira, added that financial services are increasingly digitized due to the development of information and communication technologies, so , based on their exposure, it is now important to alert young people about the risks associated with them.

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Ruthe da Pátria pointed out that financial literacy, in today's world, is seen as the first line of defense for consumers, as it allows them to make wise decisions, where they will know their duties and obligations, as well as the risks involved in financial transactions.

Still in her speech, the Director of the BM referred that people with high levels of financial literacy tend to read the credit agreements before signing, and in cases of problems in the implementation, they know where to present the complaints.

It should also be noted that the event also served to select three secondary schools in the city of Beira, which will benefit from awareness-raising lectures on financial education matters.


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