[Mozambique] Students create temperature-controlling machine


Students from the Escola Superior de Desenvolvimento Rural (ESUDER), an organic unit of UEM located in Vilankulo, province of Inhambane, created a prototype of a temperature and humidity controlling machine in agricultural activity.

Firmino Das Neves Guiringane, student of the Rural Engineering course and one of the authors of the innovation, explained that most farmers in the Vilankulo district have been incurring huge losses with the loss of inputs, due to high temperature and humidity, being That's why the student class decided to look for ways to minimize the problem.

"The system also works in poultry farming, where some aviaries record temperatures that are not advisable for the breeding of a certain animal species. If we stipulate, for example, that the temperature should simply be 28 degrees Celsius in this aviary, the application will report any change in the thermometer", said.

He stated that throughout his training he learned how to assemble prototypes from systems installed on computers, which transport information to boards such as hardline, jump, humidity and temperature sensors.

"The entire system starts on the computer where we have a program called hardline, which is used to write the codes. The information is transported to a plate which, in connection with sensors, reveals the temperature felt in the environment in question.”, He explained.

The student added that the prototype also works using wind energy, which minimizes costs, thus helping the target audience, taking into account that in rural areas there is still a lack of energy from the national grid.


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