[Mozambique] Hackathon awards several young technological innovators


The 2023 edition of the Youth Olympics in Mozambique took place recently, a hackathon in which young people are challenged to create digital solutions to improve access to health and optimize the maintenance of health infrastructure.

Organized by the Ministry of Health (MISAU) and the World Health Organization (WHO), the technological event was attended by more than 181 competitors, of which 55 were selected in a screening involving 11 teams, with ten young people being awarded for having developed computer systems that improve the control and maintenance of sanitary infrastructure, in addition to promoting the social inclusion of visually impaired people.

“A nour technological solution will help MISAU and WHO in monitoring institutions and health units, improving their planning for rehabilitation and maintenance”, said Michela Tsope, one of the young winners of the event, expressing her pride for the good position obtained in the creation of an application that maps health units, assesses their conditions and determines rehabilitation priorities, with a view to improving health services.

BUT: Mozambique: Eduardo Mondlane University promotes programming Hackathon

In turn, the representative of the group “The blessed”, Carlos Monjane, who generated the assistive technology for people with visual impairments, said that it will serve as a guide for the locomotion of this social group, issuing warning signals when detecting obstacles to be avoided. .

"Our objective is to promote social inclusion, so that there is an equal participation of the visually impaired in society.", said.


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