[Mozambique] The business of SMEs in a digital application


Becoming an entrepreneur and managing small and medium-sized companies is not an easy task, but it is in the midst of these difficulties that many small and medium-sized companies arise every day, through the initiatives of entrepreneurs who are making their debut in the business world.

Although the emergence of SMEs plays an important role in the country's economy, managing these types of firms can be complex. In addition, there are challenges for small entrepreneurs, one of which is the management of the different areas that make up the business.

It was in this rather complex context that the young Mozambican Horácio Comé decided to create a mobile application called daftari, which allows a team to have business management tools available in their day-to-day activities.

"Daftari's main focus is on small businesses, where there is no computer or people have some difficulty using it. It could be a barbershop, a grocery store, a car wash or anything.“, explained Horácio Comé.

Daftari comes from the Swahili language and means, in Portuguese, “little notebook”. According to Comé, the idea is for entrepreneurs to use the small notebook to take notes, through management tools, for better control of the business.

"With the Daftari application it is possible to do three things: manage the products or services you have to offer; the management of the people involved in the business or the team that defines different permissions that can be done (create a product, delete a product, add someone else to the team); and manage the sales that occur in your business, and this last feature is considered the main".

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The young man maintains that all these features available on the platform “could significantly improve” business management, especially when it comes to team management, with a view to greater efficiency in the performance of activities.

"Unlike other tools, Daftari allows several people to manage the business. It will be possible for all people with the application installed on their cell phones to have access to data updated in real time", said.

For example, as Comé explains, someone can be in Inhambane province, but have a grocery store in Maputo. As the person who is in Maputo, in a grocery store, launches products and services and makes sales, the person who has the cell phone in Inhambane is automatically aware of everything that is happening.

Horácio Comé reveals that the claim to make life easier for SMEs does not end here.

"Going forward, Daftari will include, in its system, people who are interested in the business, products or services for direct interaction“He concluded.


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