Mozambique produces the majority of all health science research in the PALOP


Mozambique produces 70% of all research in health sciences in the Portuguese Speaking African Countries (PALOP), where this activity increased, the research coinciding with the pathologies that most affect these states, reveals today(26) an unprecedented study.

MAPIS – Mapping of Research and Financing of Health Sciences in Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and São Tomé and Príncipe, was commissioned by the Gulbenkian Foundation and analyzes the evolution of international scientific production in health sciences in these countries, including 2008 and 2020, collaboration networks and funding sources.

This evolution is equally positive in other countries, although São Tomé and Príncipe registers a scientific activity "very limited".

Angola presented "a lower-than-expected scientific activity", but with "constant growth in the production and institutionalization of research over the last few years".

In addition to Mozambique, which accounts for 70% of all PALOP research, Guinea-Bissau also presents “a relatively high citation impact".

Mozambique is also referred to as having been “increasingly successful in securing external funding and leading international research proposals".

On the topics addressed by researchers in different countries, the study found that “specialization patterns reflect local incidence patterns of various diseases”.


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