Multicaixas reach 84% of the banked population


More than 84% of the Angolan population have debit card (Multicaixa) active and use for payments, revealed the Financial Literacy Survey (ILF), carried out by the National Statistics Institute (INE), in partnership with the National Bank of Angola (BNA).

According to research, regarding the use of accounts, 56% of those who have a bank account use it only once a month, 10% two to three times a week, and 14% once a week.

For deputy director general of INE, Hernany Luís, the financial attitude indicator, by area of ​​residence, points to 33,2% in the urban area, 29,6% (Angola) and 23,7% in the rural area.

As for the financial behavior indicator, by area of ​​residence, the data indicates 22,5% in urban areas, Angola 20,7% and 17,8% in rural areas.

Regarding the indicator of financial knowledge by area of ​​residence, the survey results say that 31,9% are in the urban area, 17% in the rural area, and 26,3% (Angola).

Data collection was carried out over a period of four months (April, May, June and July 2022).

BUT: “Multicaixa/Mastercard” cards reach customers by the end of the year

On the occasion, the general director of INE, José Calengi, said that the first Financial Literacy Survey in the history of the national statistical system was carried out after a protocol had been initialed between the BNA and the institute.

"Having signed the agreement, the collection of data that allowed the production of financial literacy indicators was immediately launched throughout the national territory.”, He stressed.

The work made it possible to collect data from households, as a sampling unit for collection.

The indicators demonstrate the most concrete reality and, above all, the knowledge of families regarding financial activity in Angola.

“We believe that the numbers produced should play an important role in the dynamics for formulating and correcting policies in the financial and banking sector, in particular”, he stressed.

The Executive Administrator of the BNA, Marília Poças, considered that the financial literacy index is an important management instrument for the regulator of the financial system, banks and policy makers.



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