New feature on Instagram will warn users about technical glitches



O blackout of social networks Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger and Facebook, which took place on the 04th of October continues to make people talk, where for several hours it became impossible to access or browse these same social networks.

Due to the inaccessibility of accessing the Facebook group's social networks, users were forced to turn to alternative platforms, such as Twitter or Telegram, to try to understand what really happened so that people could not access them.

Based on this situation and in accordance with the The Economic Times, Instagram is testing a feature that passes, precisely, for notifying users of problems with the application, still in use only in the United States of America.

“We know how confusing it can be when temporary problems happen on Instagram. When they impact engagement or distribution, we also know that they can make people think that problems are only happening to them,” Instagram writes on its blog.

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But what is really this functionality to warn users about application failure? This functionality will allow a message to appear in the users' feed alerting system failure or any other technical problem in the application. Instagram also clarifies that it will not issue this alert whenever this happens, but rather when it realizes that users are confused and looking for answers.

For now, the functionality will only be tested in the North American market. However, as usual, the results will determine its expansion – or not – to the rest of the world.


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