Numbers that improperly call 111 will be blocked


There are certain attitudes that can really harm lives, to avoid greater evils, the interior Ministery (MININT) announced, in a statement, that it will activate the system to block numbers that repeatedly and abusively call terminal 111, assigned to the Integrated Public Security Center (CISP).

According to the document issued by the supervisory body of the CISP, the measure will result in the automatic inclusion of the respective numbers in a black list and they will be prevented from contacting 111 again, if necessary, and cannot request the support of the defense forces and safety in emergency situations.

MININT also states that these calls contribute to the obstruction of the emergency line, preventing citizens in an effective condition of emergency from accessing the emergency terminal 111 and, therefore, seeing their concern resolved.

The same note stresses that false calls have required the allocation of scarce resources available to respond to non-existent situations, causing damage to the system designed to help maintain order, tranquility and public safety.

they are faced with a situation that requires the intervention of defense and security forces, health authorities, consultations in the field of public security or to make reports of criminal offenses, transgressions and other unlawful acts.


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