Nuxo represents Angola at the Africa Facts Summit


After two years of virtual meetings, due to the restrictions imposed by Covid-19, the community of Fact-checkers of the continent to meet again in person to hold the summit Africa Facts, but this time in an event never seen before.

Taking place from 9 to 10 November 2022, in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, it will bring together key players and fact-checking organizations from all corners of the continent, highlighting more than 20 institutions from across Africa, from countries such as Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe and Angola.

"We are excited to receive thise very important meeting from fa checkerscafrican tones, for share ideas and best practices No. combat athe scourge of misinformation No. our continent“, said Noko Makgato, Executive Director of Africa Check.

According to a statement from the official organization of the event, the first day will address several topics on strengthening fact-checking in Africa, such as obstacles in the fight against disinformation, why digital literacy matters and fact-checking in challenging environments. .

Angola will have representation at the summit for the first time with the nuxo, the fact checker that uses artificial intelligence to identify fake news quickly and accurately. Launched in March 2021, Nuxo was only accessible on Facebook, but since September of this year it has already been on WhatsApp, and can identify fake news in any language in a matter of seconds.

At the end of the summit, the African Fact-Checking Awards will take place, which is the awards ceremony that honors fact-checking journalism in Africa.

"These awards aim to reinforce fa verification excellencecacross the continent“, informed Dudu Mkhize, Director of Outreach at Africa Check, also emphasizing that “this year we have more than 200 entries from over 20 African countries, making it clear that facare you growing by the entire continent."


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