What not to do if your cell phone is very hot?

An overheated device can have consequences for battery life, weaker signal, interruption of functions and slower performance in some apps.


When a cell phone gets hot to the point where it's uncomfortable to touch, it's usually a sign that something isn't right. To help you in this situation, we have prepared a list of things you shouldn't do when your phone starts to heat up.

  • Don't leave too many unnecessary functions activated.

Functions such as Bluetooth, mobile data, GPS and Wi-Fi can consume a lot of the device's resources, often unnecessarily. Therefore, an alternative is to disable functions that are not currently being used.

  • Don't leave too many apps in storage

Cleaning the storage is another alternative to prevent your phone from getting hot. If this change in temperature is noticed, it is worth looking for applications that are installed, but have not been opened for a long time.

  • Do not leave the screen at maximum brightness

Your cell phone screen can be one of the easiest places to identify heat. When turned on for a long time, while consuming media or playing games, it is common for it to stay activated for a long time.

  • What can make a cell phone heat up?

As with any other electronic device, it is normal for cell phones to produce heat due to energy currents in their components. In some scenarios, the device may become too hot, causing problems.

The circumstances are varied and may be related to the use itself: when running a navigation application during a trip or playing games for a long time, the screen and processors need to be constantly active, which causes heating.

Another common situation that increases the temperature of a cell phone is charging, due to greater energy transmission. In this case, there are some precautions that need to be taken to avoid causing damage to the battery.

There are also software-related problems: outdated versions of the system, many open applications, incompatibilities and bugs can also help with heating.

Finally, there is an external factor: ambient temperature. Constant exposure to heat will heat up objects, and cell phones are no exception.

Apple, for example, suggests that iOS devices be used in ambient temperatures between 0 and 35 °C. Leaving a device exposed to sunlight or in a very hot environment, such as a closed car, can cause problems with overheating.


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