What's next for Windows 10?


During that week, information about the end of support for Windows 7, after 11 years, Microsoft is officially ending support, there is a good chance that Microsoft will make some kind of security update available at some point for something critical.

Windows has a reputation for releasing a good version and then a “bad” version. Windows 7 was one of the good versions and updates to Windows 10 are free for consumers. That means you can skip Windows 8 and get a better operating system.

It is now easier to predict the future of Windows, Microsoft is not preparing a "Windows 11" in the short term for sure, but it will be updating Windows 10 at any rate it can decide from year to year. At first, it seemed that we would have updates with a regular and frequent cadence, but lately things are moving a little more slowly as some errors have appeared. There is also the Windows 10X to arrive later this year, the version of Windows 10 designed for folding devices.


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