Does your child use gadgets for too long? In Taiwan you will be fined!


Taiwan Gadgets

It is common in Angola to see children of 3 years playing with mobile phones or other electronic devices. We all know that damage can result from the frequency with which these devices work and, in some cases, from the harmful materials with which these devices are built.

Everyone knows the danger, but few are taking steps to prevent it. This is not the case with Government of Taiwan  which passed a law that limits the time of use of gadgets (smartphones, tablets, computers ...) by children and adolescents. What is not clear is how they will monitor this ...

According to experts, two hours is the maximum that a child can spend daily using electronic devices, so that he does not suffer physical or psychological damage.

Parents who leave their children exposed to these “dangers” will be fined up to 1600 USD. In Asia there is an increase in cases of diseases caused by the improper use of technology, which is why laws are being created to control “addiction”, countries like China and South Korea are pioneers, including clinics for internet addiction recovery.

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