Instagram users dream: a mirror that takes photos!


Mirror taking photos

We do not have to wait for the national census to find out that in Angola, at least 2 / 3 of the young people connected to the Internet know what Instagram is and an overwhelming majority uses Facebook.

Having said this (not supported by official data) we can guarantee that a good part of them already got a “selfie“. . The selfie came from the English expression “Self-portrait”(Self-portrait) and is now used to describe the photos taken by the person himself that appears in the photo. The word is so in fashion that even the American president has become a selfies “addict”

Taking advantage of the success of this fashion, iStrategyLabs came up with the idea of ​​a mirror that can automatically shoot and publish on social networks.

The machine was dubbed as, imagine, SELFIE. ("The Self Enhancing Live Feed Image Engine"). The concept behind this device is this: Inside the mirror, there is a camera that records the photos and sends them to a Mac mini. There are LED lights controlled by an Arduino board that indicate when the photo is being taken.

Watch the video with this mirror in action:

[Source]: Mashable


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