The dangers of the wired network in offices


Wired networks are generally considered safer than Wi-Fi because they require physical access to connect devices. However, these networks have weaknesses, which we will examine below.

The cable connection is still the main choice of companies in the offices. Despite the growing need for Wi-Fi - mainly due to the dependence on mobile devices, the wired network has skyrocketed preference.

No less dangerous are network points located in areas accessible to the public. An unscrupulous visitor to your office can take the opportunity to connect a device to the corporate network. Terminals and ATMs are also targeted if the network cables and ports are not hidden.

The structured cabling system is essential to ensure economy and efficiency in the transmission of information from a specific company. The best way to structure a wired network is to rely on the work of a specialized partner so that errors do not harm the structure.

To prevent the wired network from being a danger in public areas, the company must pay attention to everything:

  • Keep a record of network ports and equipment, and be sure to disable those that are not in use, especially those located in public areas.
  • If possible, place routers and other network devices in rooms that have restricted access for visitors.
  • Assign separate subnets to critical departments. Thus, attackers will not be able to hack, even if they are able to connect to your local network.
  • Protect all computers and servers with robust security solutions.

It seems to be something very simple, however, in the absence of attention, errors can cause losses such as access to the network by unknown people. Therefore, it is important to be aware and check that all connections are in the correct positions.


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