Countries of Africa are among the most affected by cyber crimes in 2017


The African continent has undergone a good transition phase concerning new technologies, where cities such as Johannesburg and Cairo are part of cities with the best digital security. 

We are already in the final stretch of the 2017 year, but over the course of this year we became aware of many cyber attacks, and certainly the Ransomware had greater repercussion at world level.

The cyber attacks seen in 2017 highlight the efficiency, effectiveness and profitability of cybercriminals' efforts. The research division of malwares da Panda Security, PandaLabs analyzed 75 millions of new and distinct malware from January to October of 2017, translating to 285 000 samples per day.

Africa in terms of Malware in 2017

Many African organizations believed they were immune to the kind of attacks they faced in the rest of the world. However, PandaLabs indicate that African countries have been targeted by cybercrime including Algeria, Egypt and South Africa, which fall into the main 10 regions most affected.

Cyber ​​Security Prediction on the African continent for 2018

  1. O Cyberwarfare is a reality we have already faced, what will change in 2018 is the likelihood of collateral damage from these attacks. The Internet has no boundaries and attacks can spread throughout the world and ultimately affect more than the original target;
  2. Attacks without files will be widely used by hackers to avoid detection;
  3.  Mobile devices will be targeted as hackers try to take advantage of the vulnerabilities involving the mobile workforce;
  4. Cryptocurrencies as Bitcoin are increasingly used as a means of digital payment. These coins will continue to increase in value and usability, and will likely become targets for cybercriminals.

In terms of computer crimes revered in 2017, they highlight the importance of new generation technology to mitigate the risk of these advanced threats. Security based on real-time detection and response, with forensic reports and details of how the attack occurred, is essential to prevent future intrusions


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