Tips for creating foolproof passwords [Part 2]


1 - Mix letters, special symbols and numbers

Whenever possible, create passwords by mixing letters, special symbols, and numbers, as this practice makes your discovery very difficult. To make decorating easier, you can use a word as a basis, but replace some of its characters. For example, instead of using less than password, usem3n # $ f! # $. Notice that the word still makes sense to you and that the substitute characters can be decorated without much effort.

2 - Use uppercase and lowercase letters

Some authentication mechanisms are "case sensitive", That is, they treat uppercase and lowercase letters as distinct characters. Believe me, passwords that involve these two characteristics are safer. And you can explore this tip in several ways, for example: instead of putting the first letter in uppercase, as we do with names, put the second or third letter; or you can cause all consonants in a password to be in upper case. By combining this guidance with the previous tip (mix letters, special symbols and numbers), you will create an even safer password.

3 - Use a higher amount of characters than recommended

Each character you add to your password makes your discovery more difficult, even for programs created especially for this purpose. Therefore, when creating a password, always use a number of characters higher than the minimum required by the system. In general, the ideal is to have passwords that use at least 8 characters.

4 - Create passwords so you can use both hands to type

5 - Use rules to create your passwords and not forget them

This may be the most interesting tip of this text: It is recommended that you use a different password for each service, that is, that you do not use the same string for various purposes. The problem with this approach is that you are forced to decorate a large variety of combinations. But you can do this easily and efficiently: by creating rules-based passwords. So, you just need to remember the rules to know which password corresponds to each service.

Let's now create a set of rules to make it easier to understand. What is presented below is just an example. The idea is that you explore your creativity and create your own rules.

Let's assume that we will create passwords for use only in Internet services. Our rules will be as follows:

- 1 rule: always use the first and last letter of the service name to start the password;

- 2 rule: if the number of letters that make up the service name is even, put the 2 number in the sequence. Enter the 3 number if it is odd;

- 3 rule: if the service name ends with a vowel, write the word "Less", with a capital 'M'. If you end with a consonant, write the word "Yarn" with a capital "f";

- 4 Rule: continue the combination by informing the number of letters that make up the service name;

- 5 rule: if the service name begins with a vowel, end the password with the character '@'. If it is consonant, use '&'.

Based on these five rules, we will create, as an example, a password for the service Facebook:

- 1 rule: the first and last letter of "Facebook": fk

- 2 rule: "Facebook" has eight letters, then: fk2

- 3 rule: "Facebook" ends with vowel, then: fk2Fios

- 4 rule: "Facebook" has 8 letters, then: fk2Fios8

- 5 rule: "Skype" starts with consonant, so the password is: fk2Fios8 &.

Based on this set of rules, a password for the gmail would be: gl2Fios4 &. Note that with this trick, you do not need to decorate each combination (although this will automatically happen for heavily used passwords), just remember the rules.

At first, this tip does a bit of work, but over time the rules will be assimilated. In addition, you can create fewer rules or rules that you find easier. The important thing is to use your creativity.

Soon the 3 part of the article. | Read the 1 part here.


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