Mark Zuckerberg's profile was attacked to demonstrate a Facebook vulnerability


Zuckerberg's Profile

Ever wondered if Facebook is safe?

Researchers from financial security always warn that no system is completely secure, some require a little more effort to be invaded.

The Palestinian security researcher, Khalil Shreateh discovered a flaw on Facebook that allowed posting on anyone's Facebook wall - even if they weren't friends with the user (on that social network). As a good Samaritan, the researcher sent his concerns to facebook, using the usual means of communication.

After insisting and not getting the expected answer, the researcher decided to do the improbable: a post on the wall of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg (note that Khalil Shreateh is not a friend of Zuckerberg, then I would not be able to do this)

The message was as follows:

Sorry for breaking your privacy and posting on your wall, I had no choice to make, after all the reports I sent to the Facebook team.

And now, Zuckerberg, is it proven or not?

For those who think it was all a trick, the man recorded a video to prove:

[Source]: TechCrunch || Official Khalil Blog


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