National Police will use drones in operations and crime monitoring


A National Police (PN) announced that it will use drones to increase its responsiveness to crimes happening across the country, as well as taking into account current public safety challenges.

The information was revealed at the opening act of the 2023 Police Training and Instruction year, where drones that have a 24-hour autonomy will be used to disperse riots, and they can carry 24 tear gas grenades and fly a long distance. 5 km and an altitude of 500 meters.

"With the entry of these drones in operation, we avoid direct confrontation with protesters… and we only use the means for mass dispersion, we avoid victims because the gas itself is not lethal“, said a source from PN to public television TPA.

BUT: Angolan executive to spend US$93 million on drone purchase

For some analysts consulted by the editorial office of MenosFios, this decision brings into debate the issue of privacy of citizens with the use of flying devices for monitoring. According to police officials, the drones will be triggered in specific cases, and not for routine activities, for example.

For the National Police, it would be “negligent” not to resort to drones, since they are a way for officers to have access to what they will face in possible dangerous situations.


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