Key features of the Google I / O 2013 conference [Part I]


When Google brings its developers together, we can always expect big news and yesterday was no different. The most attentive (and with a decent internet connection) were able to confirm the real-time presentation, but for which there was no chance, here are the most important points of the first day of Google I / O 2013.

1. Google Maps

Google maps

The news goes through the mobile version of Google Maps that will receive a new interface, with softer zoom and buildings in 3D, as well as new ways of interacting with the result displayed on the map.

In congested cities, the point-to-point traffic system is one of the most commonly used features, so it has been improved, giving more details on the path the user can navigate, incident warnings, alternative routes and other details.

Google Earth was fully integrated with Google Maps, without installing any application, using the WebGL tool directly in the browser. In addition, it will be possible to view internal locations using the photos sent by the users themselves.

2. Google Chrome

Google Chrome Racer

The browser has long ceased to be a “simple” accessory for accessing the internet and has become the center of many activities for users. Games are a good example and to demonstrate the power of Chrome when running games and the browser integration between various devices, a game played on a iPhone, Nexus 4, iPad mini, Nexus 10 and a Galaxy Nexus. The game is called “Racer”And during the presentation the screens were aligned to form a single track. The carts ran on this track and passed from one screen to another. An impressive presentation.

3. Google Play

Play store for tablets

Who has one tablets celebrated a lot yesterday, since the Google app store got specific filters deciding to access it using a tablet, so we will stop seeing the annoying message “this app is not compatible with your device”

4. Google Music All Access

Total Access - Google Music

Taking advantage of the recurring reference to the cloud, Google decided to compete even more with services like Spotify, Rdio, Xbox Music among others, providing real-time streaming of unlimited music. The new service uses the Play Music framework to offer recommendations, custom playlists, and unlimited song playback, without the need to purchase them individually.

All Access will have a version for Android devices and can also be accessed through the Google Play Music web interface. For now, the service will only be available in the US, 9,99 USD / month. As for the other countries ... they will have to wait.

This is the end of the first part of the Google I / O 2013 summary, part 2.

With information from: The Verge || TechTudo



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