Prohibitions on using Google Glass


r-GOOGLE-GLASS-BAN-large570With more than half a world waiting for Google Glass (GG), which is already considered one of the most anticipated technology products of the year, some restrictions of use already begin to appear.

In the USA some establishments, entertainment venues, public places, etc., already begin to prohibit its use even without even being sold to the public.

Individuals, such as:

- Owners of bars in the USA, have already started to unite to ban the use of glasses inside their establishments, so much so that the 5 Point Café bar in Seattle, has even already banned their use.

- Strip clubs in LA will check the glasses of all their customers and will use the same policy as those who use machines to photograph or film, that is, the expulsion from the place.

- Casinos also do not welcome GGs who can help the most sophisticated “cheaters” win and communicate illegally during the game. On the other hand, these gaming houses are very fond of the privacy of their players / customers, something that can be easily violated by GG.

- Another obvious place where GGs are banned is the cinemas, as piracy has been immense today with thousands of online copies of films shot with cameras directly in cinemas. In this case, Google's glasses may well be more of a “camera” for those filming and more, they can shoot and broadcast the film live.

The US state has also shown its concern with other places that will also be prohibited the use of GG, are parks, public spaces, banks and even cars. The main concern for all these cases revolves around the lack of privacy that GG may bring.

Via: [Info]


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