WARNING: WPA2 Network Security Protocol Was Broken


Certainly this is very worrying information for Technicians or Network Administrators, since it was announced that the security protocol used to protect the vast majority of Wi-Fi connections has been broken, potentially exposing wireless Internet traffic to espionage and cyber attacks.

The discovery was made by Mathy Vanhoef (safety specialist at Belgian University KU Leuven), eventually found the weakness in the WPA2 wireless security protocol.

This vulnerability puts the integrity of Wi-Fi networks around the world at risk, since all of them have the WPA2 standard, the problem vulnerability affects all routers that use the default, regardless of brand, model, or usage.

According to the report presented by Mathy Vanhoef, "Hackers can use this new attack technique to read information that was previously believed to be safely encrypted." The report also points out that, this can be used to steal confidential information, such as credit card numbers, passwords, chat messages, emails, photos and so on.

The vulnerability affects a number of operating systems and devices, according to the report, including Android, Linux, Apple, Windows, OpenBSD, MediaTek, Linksys and others.

A discovery is available online, entitled to a video view that also brings the codes needed to implement the coup. On the other hand, the head of the study says there is no evidence that vulnerabilities of this type have been exploited before, this indicates that attacks of this aspect may begin to happen now, since the vulnerability is widely present on the Internet for use with malicious intent

What can be done to protect yourself?

Unfortunately there is no solution yet for this case, since it is still very recent. So be aware of security updates especially in WPA2 that should start coming soon, especially for routers.

Watch the demo video:


  1. Waw!!! William!!! I'm fascinated with your knowledge about the present, one day I want to be like you too.


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