Proved: Get out of Facebook and be happier!



It may not be so easy for some, but a study says you can be happier if you decide to give up Facebook, even for short periods.

Social media fever has exploded a lot in recent years, and users spend many hours in front of the screens of a mobile phone, tablet, etc. Theoretically, spending time looking at the timeline of friends and family should make us happier. A study by the Happines Research Institute states that in practice this is not really so. The step of giving up Facebook proved to be a very solid boost to regain enthusiasm and joy significantly.

This study involved 1.095 users Facebook. Half the users were asked to resign from Facebook for a week, while the other half continued to use Facebook daily. At the end of the study, participants were asked to complete a questionnaire. The general attitude was unanimous. Those who gave up on Facebook within a week were rated as more satisfied with their lives and happier.

As a goal of the study, those who stayed a week without accessing Facebook showed more enthusiasm, less nervousness and less stress. Social activities have increased significantly in the real world. Scientists sought to understand why this obvious contradiction, and the study concluded that the problem is how Facebook highlights the good parts of people's lives. Through this practice, most people on Facebook focus more on what they do not have and the others have, unlike what they have. The consequence of this phenomenon is the acquisition of a significant degree of unhappiness.


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