What is the most important item for you on a smartphone?


download-4YouGovan international organization based in the United Kingdom, with operations in Europe, North America, the Middle East and Asia-Pacific conducted a survey in September of this year in the United States, with the aim of knowing what most Americans like in a smartphone.

According to YouGov, 42% of women and 50% of men interviewed chose battery life as the most requested feature by Americans as the most important item. The second most important item, for about 20% of the survey participants, is a screen that does not break in the case of falls.

The other important items that smartphone users want in their next devices, are water resistance almost 18% of women and 13% of men, the best possible camera had 14% of women and 9% of men and technologies that do not require use of hands 5% of women and 6% of men. The survey involved 863 adults living in the United States.

download-3The survey conducted by YouGov also showed that interest in wireless earphones, such as EarPods Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),, is small at the moment. Among survey participants, 73% said they were not interested in this type of product and 27% showed interest.

And for Angola, what would it be like? Please fill in our survey.
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