Who does not now buy Windows 8 to 69,99 USD, will regret it later, find out why ...



The new information on Windows 8 will convince the world to buy the Microsoft operating system until the day 31 January 2013. Recalling that by that date Windows 8 will be marketed to 69,99 USD.

For users who want just to update its current operating systems, the price is even more interesting: 39,99 USD.

After this (unusual) period of offers from Microsoft, the situation returns to normal and users who wish to purchase the version professional journey of Windows 8, will have to shell out 199 USD.

Do not forget, every move starts on the day 26 October.

[Source]: The Verge


  1. Well I don't think anyone who doesn't buy will regret rumors that Windows 8 will be a failure like Windows Vista. Because of your new style …… ..Who knows! We will see.

    • Microsoft's fate is this: a good OS and a bad one… XP-> Vista-> Win7-> Win8, as far as I have tested, the only obstacle is the metro interface on desktops. Besides, very fast to start, to process, fluid design, a good OS…


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