Restructuring of the national air navigation system will cost 25 million dollars


Earlier this week, the project to modernize the national air navigation system was launched, which is budgeted at more than US$25 million and has the initial objective of expanding the attraction of new customers and boosting the revenues of the aviation sector in the country.

According to the official statement from the Ministry of Transport (MINTRANS) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), organizers of the project, the modernization will also cover the training of national staff.

"This agreement for the modernization of the air navigation system and for its complete alignment with the norms and practices recommended by ICAO, also includes attracting new customers and boosting the revenues of the aviation sector in Angola “, can be read in the statement.

"includes the acquisition of automatic surveillance systems, the installation and commissioning of mobile communications systems, data communication systems and navigation aids, as well as an air traffic control simulator (ATC) for the modernization of the Training“, continues the note.

BUT: National air traffic is handled by an analogue, not a digital controller

Ricardo Abreu (Minister of Transport)

For Ricardo Abreu, Minister of Transport, since 2018 a general reform of the air subsector has been carried out, which in the opinion of the authorities is truly advanced.

"We proceeded to review our legal, regulatory, institutional and corporate framework, in all companies that are within our sphere of responsibility. We have a New Civil Aviation Law, we have a governing body, an independent and autonomous administrative entity, ANAC – Autoridade Nacional da Aviação Civil, responsible for supervising, inspecting and regulating the aviation subsector, which represents an important innovation in the national legal system.

Extensive work is underway to adapt the new organizational structure, the implementation of internal processes, and the introduction of technological means at ANAC level, to ensure that we are endowed with a body with all the technical and material skills for the safe development of the system of Angolan civil aviation”, said the Minister.

It should be noted that this partnership between MINTRANS and ICAO also relegates the training of staff from the National Air Navigation Company (ENNA), in addition to a “an assistexpertise in the migration process from procedural control to radar vectoring“, as well as the implementation of the new equipment will allow ENNA and the country to host in the “fully integrates ICAO's objectives and strategies with regard to capacity and efficiencyinternational air navigation.”.


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