A victory for humanity, Robot “Curiosity” lands on Mars and sends first images


curiosityOne early morning to not forget, a "robot ", the size of a robotic car landed safely on the surface of Mars.

"Touchdown confirmed“, So emphasized Allen Chen, the engineer in the control room, making an analogy to the maximum number of points scored in an American football game.

Some time later, the first image taken directly from Mars appeared, a black and white image of 64 × 64 Pixels showing a part of the robot and the horizon of Mars. After a few minutes another high-resolution image appeared, prompting another great commemoration of the scientists.

The 4,1 robot Billions of dollars had an interesting journey to land on Mars.

The landing was done after the technicians performed remotely a set of extremely complex maneuvers, in a perfect sequence: the capsule containing the "Curiosity"Entered the Martian atmosphere, the parachute opened, the rocket engines fired, the robot was reduced and finally the "Curiosity"Was on the floor.

image mars curiosity robot
First picture taken on Mars… [Via: NASA TV, Reuters]

During the first week, the robot will deploy its main antenna, lift a mast containing cameras, a laser vaporization and other instruments, then will take its first panoramic photo of the surroundings.

O robot is powered by electricity generated from the heat of a piece of plutonium, so it will have enough energy to explore the 96 kilometers wide from the crater where it landed.

A victory for science, a victory for humanity.

For those who want to follow this real-time NASA project in real time, or Curiosity official account on Twitter (yes, the robot has an official account)

[Source]: NY Times


  1. Yes ma'am. NASA always surprises you with its achievements. Great victory for humanity.


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