Do you know how to browse the Internet safely?


A World Wide Web, better known as the Internet, is the largest digital network ever created and the main communication platform for more than 64% of the world's population, currently surpassing 5,16 billion connected users, according to the report DIGITAL 2023: GLOBAL OVERVIEW REPORT da WeAreSocial.

As the report shows WeAreSocial, users all over the world use this global network mainly to search and share information. The most visited sites are social networks and other messaging platforms, with a total of 4.760 million users at the beginning of the year, with Facebook being the most popular network, with 2.958 million active users. Meanwhile, cybercriminals continue to take advantage of the huge population of these platforms for their own purposes, with a 38% increase in global cyberattacks in 2022 compared to the previous year.

The anonymity or impersonality that accompanies these telecommunications allows cybercriminals to carry out phishing attacks more easily, impersonating companies and acquaintances to distribute malware on personal and work devices. In fact, despite the significant amount of time we spend in front of screens, with a daily average of 6 hours and 37 minutes on the Internet and actively connected to the network for more than a quarter of the day, many continue to repeat some bad practices and mistakes common. A Check Point Software shares the essential commandments that every user must follow while using the Internet, to stay safe in their digital everyday life:

  1. Do not click on unknown links: Internet users are often overconfident when surfing the web. With an increasing number of phishing campaigns, users should be especially cautious with URLs sent via SMS or email. Increasingly, cybercriminals are impersonating the websites of well-known companies to steal personal data. To avoid falling victim to these scams, users should always visit the sender's official website directly from their browser, rather than clicking on the link included in the messages;
  2. Use strong and unique passwords: Having different passwords for each platform can prevent collateral damage in the event of an attack. When cybercriminals find a correct combination, they try to access all user services using the same password. According to a Google survey, 65% of respondents reuse their passwords across multiple accounts and services. To avoid this risk, it is recommended to have a unique password for each application or service, and these passwords must be robust, with at least eight characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols;
  3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication: Another way to protect an account and strengthen password security is to use two-factor authentication services, which provide an additional barrier in case passwords are compromised. By adding a mandatory step in which the user has to authorize access to one of their accounts, these tools can deter and prevent cyber-attacks;
  4. Be careful when downloading attachments from unknown sources: Attachments from unknown senders can be an entry point for any kind of cyber-attack. Therefore, it is crucial not to download any type of unwanted or unexpected message file, as it can serve as a gateway for the malware sign in to a device;
  5. Avoid accessing public and unsecured Wi-Fi networks: It is important to bear in mind that public networks do not have any security measures, which opens an easy door for cybercriminals. The main problem is that attackers can access everything stored on our device when they are on the same network as us. Given this ongoing risk, it's best to avoid using these networks whenever possible;
  6. Always browse trusted sites: It is essential to verify that the website being accessed has an SSL Certificate. This technology ensures that the Internet connection is encrypted and protects any confidential information sent, preventing cybercriminals from capturing or modifying the transferred data. A quick way to recognize safe sites is to check the URL, which should include “https://” at the beginning;
  7. Cybersecurity education and awareness: The best way to avoid falling victim to cybercriminals is to be able to recognize them. Users need training in basic digital hygiene practices, as this can significantly prevent cyber-attacks from occurring.

A Internet is undoubtedly a fundamental part of our lives and is part of the daily routine of millions of users and companies around the world. However, despite continued use, bad practices in terms of cybersecurity are still present, especially here in Angola, where we are seeing organizations being attacked, on average, 2412 times a week in the last 6 months in the second quarter of 2023.


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