Learn the difference between Wi-Fi and Wireless




Most people think of a connection wireless Then think about the internet. Wi-fi, as if one were the same as the other or as if wi-fi was the only example of a wireless connection. Between them there are conceptual differences, techniques and practices that actually differentiate them quite a bit.

Wireless Connection
It is important to understand what a wireless connection means, a direct translation results in a wireless connection. Thus, this type of connection points to every connection for the transmission of data and information, between two or more points, which does not use wires as the path for data passing. It can be short or long distance, depends exclusively on the devices involved and the signal intensity generated.
For example, the connection of the remote control and the infrared television, between the radio station and your device at home by the radio waves and cell phone towers with the devices, the radio-like electromagnetic radiation ... are wireless connections. In addition to these, there are several other types of wireless connection, one of which is wi-fi.
wireless is an English word that in Portuguese means wireless and represents all technology that does not use cables to work. So, remember that wireless is not just about things connected to the internet.
Other examples: the mobile phone that communicates with the giant antennas called towers, the Bluetooth that establishes the interaction and exchange of data between devices, the 3G internet, the wireless mouse, the radio stations, the car alarm systems and of course, the wi-fi itself, the best-known wireless system.

The Wi-Fi name was given by the WECA (Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance), the company responsible for organizing the standardization, standardization and compactness issues of wireless communication technologies between computers as well as the Internet standard.

The wi-fi connection is represented by every type of connection that complies with the IEEE 802.11 standard and all its variants. Basically this is the standard that has been set so that internet connections are made possible by devices. The connection through the wi-fi happens from a point where there is a connection to the traditional internet, wired, and that point is connected to a transmitter that sends an internet signal through the air in a certain radius of effectiveness. The broadcast of this signal can be done in an open or closed way using passwords or physical addresses, also known as MAC for access.

However, Wi-Fi has some problems. It depends on the maximum speed that the router, the signal transmission apparatus through the air, supports. So it is no use having a high quality connection and a router that does not support it. In addition, there is a limit of connections that these devices support, which should always be taken into account according to the use of the Wi-Fi network. Finally, another problem is that the further away from the signal transmission point, the weaker it will be and also the connection speed tends to be lower.

Wireless is a term used for any wireless network and Wifi is a type of wireless network.


  1. Congratulations on the article!
    I'm Brazilian, I live in Brasília-DF and I found your article by chance of a research, I liked it a lot for being simple and very explanatory.
    I am also in the IT business and I have a computer store, I have a wireless internet provider that is even stopped because of financial problems, but one day God will help me to get up with that provider.

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