Learn how to enable 2-factor verification on Facebook


Nowadays we know that the security of social networks is a very sensitive approach, since many share some personal content between friends or partners, that with a security breach such content can come to the fore and generate a lot of controversy.

One of the best ways to protect yourself on social networks today is to using two-way authentication factors. As the name says, this is a mechanism that, after confirming your login and password access, checks your data a second time to make sure that it is you who are trying to access your account.

Facebook is one of the social networks that already offers this feature. The activation process is quite simple: it is enough for the user to configure the applications. The use of dual authentication is the same for all three tools: the user receives an SMS code, which in turn needs to be informed to continue accessing their profile.

Here's how to enable Facebook's two-factor verification:


1. Open the Facebook application and tap the menu icon in the upper right corner. Go to "Account settings" and then "Security and login".

2. In the next window, tap on “Use two-factor authentication” and enable the “Two-factor authentication” feature.

3. On the new page, click "Start configuration" and then "Continue" to receive a text message and confirm that you are adding the feature to your phone. Here, it is necessary to have a phone associated with your profile; so, if you don't have a registered number yet, add one of your own.

At a later time, the user will be asked to re-enter their Facebook account password. The last step requires the user to enter the six-digit SMS code received on the phone. From there, every time you enter your login and password to access Facebook on your smartphone or computer, the social network will send a unique code via text message to continue.

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