Know what is the "Facebook Card"


Exclusive only for e-commerce transactions within facebook, the “Facebook Card” is a physical card that allows you to make payments only within the social network. Currently available only in the USA, the “facebook gift card” is similar to a prepaid card that allows someone to buy something for someone else.

If for example on the day of the boyfriends who are there, someone finds a shoe store and who is in doubt which of them offer their beloved, can buy and ask to issue a facebook card with the name of the girlfriend and a certain ceiling. The girlfriend will be informed that she has been offered a card and then will receive in her mail the physical card.

Later, if, for example, she turns years, she will be able to win other gifts from her friends that will automatically go to her card. In other words, she may have a gift from a friend in a cosmetic store for $ 100, from a friend in a computer store for $ 90, and so on. Shopping in stores is easy, just access the category “Gift & Digital Cards” on Facebook, confirm that the balance is sufficient to buy the selected product, if yes, buy.

One of the advantages of this card is that instead of having multiple gift cards from multiple stores, we have a single card with the ceiling of several stores. Looking harder this is a facebook master move so it can become the largest chain of online stores and if this really works, it could become the new e-commerce giant.


Via: [engadget]


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