Samsung wants to increase revenues in Africa


A Samsung Electronic aims to double its annual revenues on the African continent to represent 20% of the company's revenues over the next five years.

Second Sung Yoon, responsible for the South Korean company to the African continent, Samsung would place more stores and other retail channels in more African countries and decrease delivery times. The company has about half of the mobile devices and televisions in several countries of the continent.

Sung Yoon explains that Samsung faces competition from cheaper, cheaper devices than the most basic smartphones from the South Korean company.

According to the executive, the demand for Samsung products is due to the greater demand for larger televisions and larger screens of mobile phones. Most customers are buying televisions between the 55 and the 65 inch, 32 more inches than ten years ago. Also, mobile users are no longer content with 3-inch displays.

Executives believe most Africans are choosing more basic smartphones with faster internet speeds to use social networking and banking applications.


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