Samsung to launch 512GB memory card for smartphones


A Samsung today announced that it has begun producing an integrated universal flash memory solution with 512 GB for the next generation of mobile devices.

Using the latest Samsung V-NAND 64-layer 512 GB chips from Samsung, the new memories will offer unparalleled storage capacity and impressive performance, which can be used in the next generation smartphones and tablets.

Increasing the storage capacity of Samsung's integrated universal flash memory will allow a Smartphone to store, for example, approximately 130 videos, lasting 10 minutes, in 4K resolution.

Samsung intends not only to progressively increase the production volume of its chips, but also to expand production. This strategy is expected to respond to the increased demand for advanced integrated mobile storage solutions, removable memory cards with high density and performance.

Jaesoo Han, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing Samsung Electronics, said that with the advanced and stable provision of this advanced integrated storage solution, Samsung is taking a big step in contributing to the timely launch of the next generation of devices throughout the world.


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