Desk or bed? What about both?


Are you working late and getting to work at dawn? Arrive very early in the service and want to get some more sleep until 7.30? There is a very small room and space is not enough? Then his prayers were heard. The Greek designer, Athanasia Leivaditou, has created a convertible desk that turns into a bed. It's simple, it's just 3 steps.

1. Pull the top of the same


2. Pass down the front that will serve as the base for the mattress


3. If you want a headboard open the left side of the desk16faaf23bd9590907f17a9988a1030f25bc44a79-4-t710


Voila !!! As simple as that and still have the right side at your disposal, if you wish, to be used as a small storage compartment. Besides, I can only wish you… sweet dreams… 🙂

Credits: [Adesignaward]


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