Seedstars Luanda 2019: Meet the Finalist 10 Startups


For 3 days, startups initially selected for Seedstars Luanda 2019 have been in intensive training. 30 startups had a chance to present their solutions and convinced the organizing team of Seedstars Luanda about their value.

In the end, 10 Startups were selected for the grand final to be held on September 6 at Fortaleza de São Jorge.

  1. Sporting Angola - Sports portal, creates engagement and commercial value using sport.
  2. Young Angola Card - offers discounts, through partnerships with companies, and develops projects that enable the social and economic growth of youth
  3. Academic Connection - We carry out on-site training / e-learning capable of generating strategic and innovative solutions, better suited to the needs of our customers
  4. DroneSIG - using Drones, aerial image data are collected and analyzed that can solve farmers' problems in monitoring pests and plants.
  5. E-Bina - Bicycle sharing platform
  6. Less waste - it is a market in which citizens can find recycling companies, sell their recycling materials or donate them.
  7. Roque Online - A technology platform that provides a range of business and e-commerce services.
  8. Twenda - It intends to revolutionize the way mobility has been seen until today through Moto-Taxi
  9. AT WHERE! - an addressing platform that provides not only a three-word address, but also provides vital information about all services in the country.
  10. FlightGet - A platform for users to review their experiences with services and accumulate points. And the opportunity for companies to engage with customers

On Friday, September 6, we'll find out what the winning Startup will be.


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