Will Bitcoin mining be the 15 billion dollar Jackpot for Angola?


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O energy sector and economy. The nation faces a significant challenge: an estimated 40% of its hydroelectric power, or 1400 MW, is lost due to transmission inefficiencies. However, the proposed introduction of Bitcoin mining could convert this challenge into a $15 billion opportunity over five years.

The country's hydroelectric giants, Capanda, Cambambe and Laúca, have the potential to collectively power a robust Bitcoin mining industry, transforming surplus energy into impressive digital currency production. This action could inject around 3 billion dollars annually into the Angolan economy, taking into account the current value of Bitcoin.

By implementing a strategic Bitcoin mining operation, starting with pilot projects and scaling up to fully integrated ventures on the network, Angola could not only recover otherwise wasted energy but also revitalize its economic structure. This initiative is poised to attract significant private investment in a sector that has traditionally been managed by the state, offering both small and large investors a profitable sector. The example set by Gridless, with operations in Kenya, Zambia and Malawi, highlights the potential for private entities to thrive in this new market while solving a crucial problem for rural economies.

This strategic move is not just about financial gain, but it is also about strengthening Angola's economic resilience and responding to the global demand for sustainable energy sources. By harnessing its hydroelectric resources for Bitcoin mining, Angola could align itself with ecological practices, as it has been proven that these types of ventures help combat climate change and are a net benefit to the environment.

Angola's foray into Bitcoin mining presents a golden opportunity to generate substantial government revenue, anticipated at a 30% tax rate on mining profits. This new fiscal resource could fuel social development initiatives, help balance the government budget and, critically, serve as a source of foreign currency. The economic transformation provided by such revenues could strengthen Angola's position in the global economy, leveraging the shift to decentralized digital assets while adhering to sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.

To support this ambition, Angola must develop policies that promote public-private partnerships, simplify licensing processes and ensure regulatory compliance, thus attracting global investors. This regulatory clarity is crucial to reenergizing dormant energy projects and transforming rural areas into new technology hubs, benefiting from lower energy costs and ample space.

Angola's comprehensive strategy would be defined in a global context where nations like the United States of America, specifically the state of Texas, have become havens for Bitcoin mining, thanks to their proactive legislative environment. Angola would also work to strengthen rural economies and undertake environmental management. Decentralizing mining operations would follow in the footsteps of Russia, which has emerged as a significant player in the Bitcoin mining industry, leveraging its vast energy resources to reduce methane emissions in line with COP26 goals and notably shrink its footprint. of carbon.

In conclusion, Angola's foray into Bitcoin mining would mirror the ethos of sustainable development seen in the United Arab Emirates, which has positioned itself as a favorable destination for Bitcoin mining in the Middle East. Angola's initiative is more than an economic move; embodies a comprehensive vision for sustainable growth. By capitalizing on untapped hydroelectric potential, Angola is not only forging a path to prosperity, but also establishing a model for the integration of renewable energy and digital currency. This initiative places Angola alongside countries like the United States and Russia, creating a domino effect that could inspire other energy-rich nations to leverage blockchain technology in conjunction with traditional energy sectors, setting a new standard for the continent's future. African and beyond.


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